Solid vs. Stranded Wire

Even with all the various sizes and shapes of wire, and their massive number of applications, it’s possible to break them down into just two basic categories – solid and stranded wires. Solid wires are exactly as they sound: a single, (relatively) thick thread of metal; while the alternative is actually a series of extra-thin wires wrapped together.

Though both styles are equally effective in conducting electricity, they do have some subtle distinctions that make them suitable for different purposes. Learning the differences will help you make the best pick for your specific situation.


When the need of the hour is flexibility, stranded is the way to go. This loose rope of minute wires is highly flexible, easily bending and wrapping around corners. Extension cords and other long appliance cables are typically made of stranded wire, as Stranded Wirethey’re frequently folded, twisted, and tucked out of the way. For more static applications, where the wire won’t be subjected to repetitive movements, a solid wire is an excellent alternative.


Stranded wires tend to be larger than solid wires with the same current-carrying capacity (as defined by area of conductive material). This is because stranded wires are composed of rounded wire threads, which do not fit neatly against one another and will thus have small air-filled spaces between them. Solid wire offers a more compact option, if the rigidity is not an issue for you.


Though this will, naturally, be dependent on a number of factors like width, stranded wire tends to be slightly pricier than solid wire, as additional processing is needed to assemble this wrap of conductive threads. Of course, you should weigh installation costs against maintenance costs – running solid wire is cheaper initially, but in high-motion environments it will not last as long as stranded wire. Careful planning will ensure the most economical selection for your needs.

If you have questions or other inquiries regarding steel wires, contact the experts at Madison Steel today.

Is Recycled Metal as Strong as New Metal?

Almost all types of ferrous metals can – and should – be recycled. The process serves to reduce not only landfill waste, but also manufacturing costs and the labor and energy required to extract additional raw materials. Fortunately, this recycling can even be done without compromising the strength and integrity of the reclaimed product. To see how, let’s run through an example with steel – the most recycled metal in the world, and easily the most widely used and versatile, with applications from theRecycle Metal creation of common household items to the building of massive skyscrapers.

How is Steel Manufactured?

The creation of steel solely from raw components requires the combination of iron ore, limestone, and coke (a coal-based fuel) in a furnace, where it is smelted down to remove impurities and add carbon. Today, much of the steel we use is produced by recycling existing materials – for each ton of reused steel, we’re able to save 120 pounds of limestone, 1,400 pounds of coke, and 2,500 pounds of iron ore, according to the American Iron and Steel Institute

There are two primary methods of creating steel with reclaimed scrap: through an EAF (Electric Arc Furnace) or BOF (Basic Oxygen Furnace).

In the EAF process, the raw material is almost entirely scrap steel. High-powered electric arcs quickly melt the material down to liquid crude steel, after which it is refined further in secondary steelmaking processes. Much of the steel used in construction, such as reinforcement bars, steel plates, and structural beams, is made through the EAF process, since the end result produced is incredibly strong.

The BOF process, on the other hand, uses only about 30% recovered steel at most. Here, molten iron is combined with pure oxygen to blow out impurities. The steel produced by this method is used to make industrial drums, pails, cans, refrigerator encasements, and automobile fenders.

What Type of Scrap Metal can be used?

Thanks to steel’s versatility and popularity, there is a huge supply of scrap available cheaply. Common sources for recycled steel components include:

  • Scrap MetalBodies of old vehicles
  • Old machinery, engine blocks, pipes, and iron baths
  • Domestic scrap, such as old appliances, cans, water tanks, roofing sheets, etc.
  • Factory waste that remains after shaping or drilling metal
  • Industrial waste and commercial scrap such as old columns, beams, channels, plates, implements and more

How is this Material Recovered?

Since iron and steel have magnetic properties, they can be easily separated from other waste. Once segregated, these metals are kept in scrapyards and by heavy machinery, for ease of transport and to reduce necessary space on the conveyer belts that feed blast furnaces.

Recycling steel is both the economical and environmental choice, and provides an incredible end product for use in any application. For more information, contact Madison Steel today.

Ferrous vs Non-Ferrous Metals

Metal building materials can be separated into two general categories depending on whether they do, or do not, contain iron – referred to as ferrous and non-ferrous, respectively. The strengths and weaknesses of iron lend these two groups both certain advantages and disadvantages. Though each is valued for its own specific qualities, note that ferrous scrap is frequently in ready supply, thanks to the massive popularity of iron and steel in the construction and automotive industries. Non-ferrous metals
, including aluminum, copper, zinc, and titanium, have a lower availability for recycling, and as such tend to be more expensive even in scrap form.

Differentiating between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals

There are a couple of steps that you, as a consumer, can take to determine whether or not a given metal or piece of scrap is ferrous. Rust is, by definition, an iron oxide – so it’s a pretty good rule of thumb that if you see rust, you’re dealing with a ferrous metal. Note that wrought iron – a form so pure that it will resist oxidation – and stainless steel – with its high chromium content – are both ferrous materials that are protected against rust. Another method for differentiation is the use of a magnet. Though exceptions exist on both ends, most ferrous metals are magnetic, and nearly all non-ferrous metals are not.

Uses of Each Type

Generally speaking, ferrous metals are used for high-strength applications, such as engineering, construction, and automobile manufacturing. You’ll also find them in just about any appliance or component that needs a magnetic feature, like the household refrigerator.Ferrous Metal

Non-ferrous metals, on the other hand, are typically best for applications that require a combination of strength and low weight. Metals like aluminum and magnesium are commonly used in the manufacture of aircraft, for instance. Resistance or immunity to rust is a useful characteristic as well, and one of the primary reasons that aluminum is used in the canning industry. The non-magnetic properties of most of these metals also make them ideal for electrical and electronic insulation applications.

Recycling Processes

Millions of tons of metal scrap, both ferrous and non-ferrous, are recovered each year. Modern recycling processes are generally quite efficient at reclaiming usable material – and, in fact, even new metals can sometimes require recycled ones as a component. Elements like aluminum are so prized that the value of scrap can easily exceed the cost of the recycling process. Metals must first be sorted into ferrous and non-ferrous groups – magnets are often helpful here – and like materials are then melted down and re-shaped into ingots.

Madison Steel is a leader in the supply of steel and non-ferrous recyclables and reclaimed material. Contact us today for more information on our services.

8 Common Uses for Aircraft Cable

Airplane tail with cablesThin, flexible and exceedingly strong, aircraft cable is one of the most useful types of steel cables available. It consists of thin steel wires that have been stranded together (usually between 8 and 28 strands altogether), giving the cable a fantastic blend of flexibility and strength. While usually no thicker than ¼ inch in diameter, aircraft cable is strong enough to secure an airplane in place (hence the name).

But aircraft cable isn’t just for aircraft; it comes in a variety of thicknesses and can serve a variety of personal, commercial, industrial and military purposes. Stainless steel aircraft cable is typically used in more strenuous applications because of its ability to withstand harsher temperatures and its resistance to corrosion. Galvanized steel cable is more affordable and nearly as strong, but it’s recommended for milder environments. Here are eight of the more common uses for aircraft cable:

Aircraft Control

Stainless steel cable is commonly used for securing and controlling aircraft (for example, during shipping and transport).

Securing Cargo

Aircraft cable is useful for tying down heavy cargo on ships. Again, stainless steel is recommended for this heavy-duty application because of exposure to the elements and salt water.

Boat Docks and Maritime Applications

Stainless steel aircraft cable is recommended for several uses with boats and docking, from securing boats to hoisting them out of the water. It is also useful for sailboat rigging, fishing boats, etc.

Pulleys and Winches

The strength of this cable makes it very useful for lifting and hoisting, so it is commonly used in winches and pulleys of different sizes and types. Depending on the particular context, both stainless steel and galvanized steel can be used.

Stage Rigging

Most live theaters are equipped with a series of rigging to open, close and lift heavy curtains, move backdrops, suspend, raise and lower lighting, and so on. Galvanized aircraft cable is perfect for most of these applications.

Zip Lines

Zip lines are increasingly used for amusement and recreation, and aircraft cable is sturdy enough to handle the weight and the activity. Both galvanized and stainless steel are used for these, depending on location and weather conditions.

Garage Doors

Because of its strength, aircraft cable is often found in garage door raising/lowering mechanisms (either galvanized or stainless steel).

Exercise Equipment

Aircraft cable (either galvanized or stainless) is quite useful in all types of exercise equipment, most commonly with weight machines.

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